Important To Keep Fit

www.figure-competition.comIs It Really Important To Keep Fit?

Yes, (you knew this all along, didn’t you?) keeping fit has a great effect on keeping healthy but many people only realize the many benefits of regular exercise when health problems start to wear them down and by that time, they often believe (wrongly) that it is “too late” or they are “too old”. Not so! You can start exercising at just about any age and any condition of health, though you will need to consult your doctor if you have any worries or concerns about your health or age but regular exercise started as soon as possible, like yesterday will give you great benefits:

Burn Excess Fat

Regular exercise can help you burn excess body fat and keep your body lean, though if you are very overweight, you will need to consult your medical advisers: start out slow on the exercise and lose weight through eating healthily. Too much body fat can cause or contribute to many health complications including heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome and diabetes to name just a few. Diabetes can lead to stroke, heart attack and limb amputation!

Great Physique

Many overweight people struggle with issues of body image yet seem to be unwilling to do anything about it, even though it may be hard to find nice clothes that fit, or they hide from the camera or don’t want to take a beach holiday. Even if you hate the thought of going on a diet, a regular fitness routine can help you develop a great physique by shedding excess fat and gaining a great body. Muscle burns more fat, so if you build muscle, you can lose weight more easily. Muscle is also denser than fat and firmer, so you look leaner and don’t “jiggle” as much. Exercising can help you get rid of cellulite and have a flat tummy. Weightlifting is a great way of gaining muscle and molding a great body. And no, it will NOT make women look unfeminine! Women cannot bulk up muscle like men, they will look leaner.

Mental Strength

Keeping your body active improves brain function. Exercising keeps your mind sharp and alert and can help develop mental strength and increase overall awareness.  Exercise has also been shown to improve mood, and can help relieve depression, possibly through the release of dopamine and endorphins. Work out your favorite form of exercise. Maybe it’s running or jogging or lifting weights. Make a commitment (and keep it) to do a regular exercise routine and see how much good it does your mind.

www.figure-competition.comBuild Your Physical Strength

A regular fitness routine is ideal for strength building. It will build body muscle and improve physical strength, as well as strengthening your back for good posture. Many people become less active as they grow older. But you do not need to lose your strength, even if your speed slows.  Fitness routines will help you keep your strength and agility to keep up with your children or even grandchildren. Exercise can also slow the ageing process by tightening your skin and increasing your body’s metabolic rate.

Motivation And Fitness Tracking

These are just four of the benefits of a fitness routine. Ignoring your body’s NEED for physical exercise can lead to developing lifestyle diseases later in life. Exercise is very important and the consequences of not taking exercise can be catastrophic. How can you motivate yourself to exercise and maintain a disciplined fitness schedule? One way is by having fitness goals that mean something to you, so you WANT to achieve them. Another is by using fitness trackers, to monitor your general physical activity and evaluate your progress.

Forming Good Habits

www.figure-competition.comIt Takes Willpower & Discipline to Form Good Habits

As you probably already know, it takes willpower, discipline and good habits to really get the most out of life. These three things work together.  While this may sound just too simple; it isn’t always easy, in fact it can be downright difficult. It’s all very well to KNOW what should be done. Doing it is different, as you may already have experienced.

If you have willpower, it will be much easier to commit to doing the necessary tasks that are needed to achieve the goals you want to meet. Willpower is not always easy to apply. It takes time, effort and self-control to use it effectively and the results are not always seen immediately. This can be a little daunting to some people because you are putting in maybe a lot of real, hard work without seeing any results. This might make you feel like giving up.

Willpower includes self-discipline. This helps you keep on with the tasks you need to carry out in order to reach your goals, for instance with weight loss and exercise. You have to eat healthily and exercise regularly to achieve results.

Developing Good Habits

To develop ANY habit, good or bad, you need to repeat the task or activity over and over again. The more you do something the easier it becomes. You no longer see it as a chore: you begin to see it as part of your normal routine.

When you repeat something you are creating a new routine. When your new routine becomes second nature, then you have formed a good habit. This doesn’t always have to take that long either. If you are determined to form a new habit , it is said that you can do so in as little as 21 days. The “21 days to a new habit” is a popular idea but it doesn’t always work. For some habits or some people, it may take 60 days of repetition to develop the habit. If the habit is worth developing, then that 60 days is a good investment and there are many ways in which you can keep your repetition going.

The other necessary  ingredient to help you form and keep your good habits is that of motivation. You need motivation to (a) develop willpower and (b) to stay disciplined.

Motivation to become healthy can be negative, for instance, if your doctor tells you that you are heading for a heart attack if you don’t lose weight or improve your fitness levels.

Positive motivation comes from deep within you. With this type of motivation your willpower and discipline levels may well seem easy to use because you are so determined to achieve your goal. As you start your journey you will find that nothing can stop you, you are totally focused on your end goal. That is forming a new, lifelong habit of health.

Ab exercises for women

The Abs are one body part everyone wants to focus on. Men or women, it’s the abs. A flat stomach is like the “bad boy” of the fitness world because it’s hard to get ripped abs.

For many women, getting and keeping a lean midsection is not easy. Men and women’s muscles aren’t significantly different, but women tend to be wider through the pelvis and have a longer waist. They also carry more body fat naturally, so though they may have top toned abs, they may not always be visible. Women also want to ensure they stay looking feminine as well as strong and fit.

Visible abdominal muscles aren’t impossible, but you may need to do more than just standard sit-ups or crunches.

There are three sections to the abs, the upper abs, the obliques, and the lower abs.

You need exercises for all three parts and combine these with regular cardio and clean eating to keep flat abs throughout the year.

There is a Pilates technique in which you pull the belly button in while exercising to ensure you work the deepest ab muscle (known as the transverse).

Crunches are one of the main causes of back injuries in athletes.They put pressure on your discs and may throw your spine out of alignment. Unless you are used to doing them correctly and have no back problems, try these instead.

Bird dog.

Start on hands and knees, with your knees aligned under your hips and your wrists directly under your shoulders.

Reach your left arm forward at shoulder height and your right leg backwards at hip height. This leaves you resting on the floor on just your right arm and left knee

Hold for a count of 2 counts, making sure you reach forward with your fingers and back with your toes.

Repeat on the opposite side.

Do 10 reps on each side.



Yes, don’t groan. It’s super simple, just hard, but it builds the core muscles like almost nothing else.

Get into the pushup position. Make sure your palms are on the floor beneath your shoulders and your head is aligned with your spine. Contract your abs.

Hold for 30 seconds. Over time, gradually increase to two minutes total, as you get stronger.

There are some additional moves you can try as you get better. Try lifting one arm at a time, touching your fist to your chest. If you have room, do crab walks, moving your arms and legs sideways.


We all want them, and there are interesting exercises to build them, combined with diet and cardio.

New Year’s Resolutions

www.figure-competition.comTop New Year’s Resolutions

About half of us make at least one New Year Resolution every year: and out of the top five New Year’s Resolutions, Weight loss, exercise and healthier eating are numbers 1, 3 and 5!

But by mid January each year, 25 per cent of those who made resolutions have already abandoned them, increasing to 50% by the end of January, though the abandonment rate slows dramatically after that, with only 54% having dropped the ball after six months. So it looks like if you can manage to stick to your resolutions to the end of January, there is a good chance you will be able to stick to them for at least 6 months.

Why Do People Abandon Their Resolutions?

Making a resolution is a kind of goal setting: but if you fail to reach those goals, is that a sign of being weak willed or lazy? Not necessarily. Making a resolution or setting a goal without being willing to change the habits bound up with the situation you want to make different, means the failure rate is bound to be high. And sometimes, we are highly unrealistic about what we can achieve. This is called the “false hope syndrome” and you can look at it in two ways. One way to consider it, is that the goal we have set doesn’t match our own view of ourselves. So if we “see” ourselves as fat, lazy and an eater of junk food, then making a resolution to change that is unlikely to work: and chanting all the positive affirmations in the world probably won’t change it either. It is important in this case to actually believe that you can lose weight, keep up with an exercise program and eat more healthily.

The other way to look at this, is that it’s also important to be realistic in the sense that planning on running a marathon in two months time, losing 5 stone in weight in one month or eating 3 home-prepared meals a day, every day, may not be possible in your current lifestyle. Of course, there is the argument that if you shoot for the stars you might reach the moon but for many people, “only” reaching the moon is seen as “failure”, rather than the great success it really is. Reaching the moon, as you define it, is a great success to be celebrated, but planning on something more may definitely be false hope that can lead to giving up because the goal seems to be too hard to reach.

So while making changes is possible and making BIG changes can be done, it is important to believe that you can actually do it (as opposed to just “saying” that you can do it) and to plan for the other changes that will also be necessary in order for you to reach that goal.

A second reason for abandoning a resolution is that it hasn’t magically changed your life. Some people may think that losing weight or eating more healthily will change their lives and when it doesn’t, become discouraged and go back to the old behaviors. One example of weight loss “failure” came from an old-time actress, Hattie Jacques, now long dead. She was very overweight and set out once to lose weight. She explained in a later interview that she had once lost 5 stone in weight (70 pounds, 32 Kgs) but gave up slimming “because no one had noticed”. She was slimming to be seen differently by other people, rather than for herself.

One example of someone transforming their life comes from the area of personal finance, another big resolution that many people make for the New Year. Pam Young is a writer and was asked to write a book on improving your personal finances. The only problem was, as she explains herself, in her book, the GOOD book (Get Out Of Debt), her own personal finances, were in a mess. She had what she called the “windfall” mentality, that whenever she owed a lot on her credit cards, a “windfall” would magically appear and allow her to pay them off. In her book she describes how she suddenly realised WHY this was happening and how she met her inner child (that we all have) and worked with her to get out of debt. That meeting most certainly transformed her life for the better and the techniques she now teaches have allowed many others to become debt free also. Pam is a very funny writer and all her books are interesting and VERY useful, definitely not the usual, “just make a budget” waffle that many other writers produce which is no help to most of those in debt!

You may also enjoy watching a video on “The Credit Card Funeral” which Pam Young and her friend Marla Cilley (The FlyLady) did with Judge Cilley. This is extremely funny and shows credit cards being got rid of.

How to Achieve Your Dreams

It starts with a plan – of course – don’t groan. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail. And this plan is an EASY one to follow, no big unrealistic, wishy-washy “wouldn’t it be nice…” ideas.

Take Five.

If your resolution was to eat food that is healthier than at present, then take five minutes to plan a grocery list that includes fruit and veg and meals that include them. Or plan to drink water or milk instead of soda, or plan how to cut down on sugar in your tea or coffee. Or plan to have healthy snacks with you so you don’t visit the vending machine for chocolate or candy.

If you wanted to take more exercise, plan how to add five minutes additional movement here and there in your day, such as parking further away, running a short distance or taking an evening walk.

If you want to lose weight, then take five minutes to decide what you can replace any particular food with, for instance, can you replace one of your potatoes with an extra serving of green vegetables?

Take 10

“Just ten” means doing something for just ten minutes rather than thirty, or perhaps 10% rather than 100%. It’s another way of creating an easy small step, so if your goal is to get healthier and fitter, set a goal of 10 minutes exercise a day. You can gradually work up to a longer time, or even do another 10 minutes, later in the day but sometimes just getting started is the hardest part. Knowing you only have to do 10 minutes means you don’t have the “lack of time” excuse not to do it.

It’s the same with healthy eating and weight loss. Instead of totally changing your way of eating all at once, add fruit, or more vegetables to your diet or cut down your sugar intake a day by 10% (such as not eating 1 donut), and then gradually decrease that again until you’ve eliminated sugar from your diet. Or cook extra at one meal, so you have enough to put in the refrigerator or freezer for a quick and easy meal at another time.

These kinds of “take 5” and “take 10” small changes keep you moving in the right direction and can help you get unstuck if you begin to slide off track.

Get a Resolution Buddy

Find someone else who is trying to reach the same goal as you and help each other to stay on track. Having someone else to go jogging or swimming with, keeps you to your goal, because you won’t want to let your buddy down.

Make A Vision Board

A vision board is basically just a notice board with pictures of what you want to achieve. You can create one online if you don’t want to hang one in your house. If your goal is more exercise, you might include pictures of the running shoes you would like or of a particular area you would like to go running or of someone running and looking happy and free. Anything that makes you want to do that exercise regularly and that makes you want to achieve your goal.

Write In Your Bullet Journal

A bullet journal has different sections for different areas you want to work on. It’s a place to keep a motivational record of what you have done or visions of what you want to achieve (like the vision board). You can keep a record of how far you walked in each of your ten minute spells in “take 10” or of your green veggie or fruit intake for healthy eating. You can also keep a record of things you HAVEN’T done. For instance, if you normally have a donut for your break, keep a record of all the times you made a healthier choice, such as a piece of fruit. You can even give yourself points to add up to give yourself a reward of some kind.


Piggy-back something you want to change onto something already being done. For instance, add one more vegetable to your plate each day, or carry small hand weights on your ten minute walk.

Put It On Your Calendar

You schedule meetings and dentist appointments. Schedule exercise and healthy shopping trips too.

Make it Easy

Set out your workout clothes before you go to bed at night, so they are the only things available to put on when you get up. That starts you out on your (planned) morning exercise.

Get Back On Track

Dropping the ball is easy but it’s also possible to get back on track again. Remember, once you have carried out your resolution for a month, you are much less likely to drop it.

HIIT High Intensity Interval Training

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High Intensity Interval Training is a method of training where you use short, high-intensity bursts of effort, together with short rest intervals. It could be as simple as really intense running on the spot or cycling on a stationary cycle for 10 seconds, paired with 20 seconds of walking on the spot or slow cycling. If you’re working out with a friend, you could switch between the two, using your switch-over time as your rest interval.

1. You don’t need gadgets or equipment for HIIT. You can use any exercise you like and adapt to work with HIIT. You don’t have to join a gym or buy any kind of equipment to get the benefits of HIIT training.

2. Begin Slowly. Work your way up with HIIT Levels – Don’t risk injuries by thinking you can go “just a bit longer” with your HIIT workout. Measure your capacity and work at the level you’re capable of rather than trying to rev it up before you’re ready.


Here is a beginners’ HIIT Workout Program available to watch on Amazon Prime, if you already have that available. Or alternatively a DVD with cardio and HIIT workouts.

3. The Tabata HIIT Method – In only 4 minutes of a Tabata-style workout you can achieve the same results you would with an hour long cardio-only workout.

4. Challenge Yourself. HIIT is both the most difficult workout you’ll ever experience and the shortest and most gratifying. It only takes a few minutes out of your day so watching the clock and getting results is never a problem.

5. Melt Fat And Make Your Core Lean And Mean – You can almost look in the mirror and watch the fat on your body melt away when you incorporate HIIT in your workout routine. You’ll also see the difference in your core and notice that your endurance and strength improves.

6. Super-Charge Your Metabolism – It’s a fact that your metabolism has everything to do with burning fat. You’ll be excited to know that HIIT helps your metabolism burn more calories even after the workout is long over.

7. Build Muscle. HIIT workouts are scientifically known to build more muscle mass than those long aerobic workout routines. The reason is that HIIT workouts produce higher levels of oxidation than other forms of exercise routines.

8. HIIT Adapts To A Busy Lifestyle – While exercise is important, it shouldn’t have to take up so much of your valuable time. Opt for a 20 minute Tabata workout instead of a 40 minute run and burn twice the calories.

9. Aerobic And Anaerobic Method– With HIIT, you’ll work out smarter and get faster and better results. The combined use of aerobic and anaerobic exercises speed up your metabolism and sculpts your body at the same time.

10. Enjoy Your Life As You Enjoy Your HIIT Workouts – You’ll begin to enjoy the health benefits of HIIT as you progress, and the way your body looks. You’ll enjoy life more because you’re not spending all your time working out. HIIT workouts are short and sweet – and produce results!


Sports Massage

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Sports Massage

Regular exercise increases your energy and gives you a sense of well-being. In moderation, it helps relieve stress, and may help decrease psychological depression. It will increase strength and endurance, give you greater flexibility, and make your heart and lungs more efficient.

After Exercise

After exercise, however, you may feel stiff and sore and this is where sports massage is beneficial. You don’t necessarily have to be an athlete or even a weekend sports player to benefit from sports massage. This type of massage can help with preventing injuries to muscles and tendons and also with healing them. It can also be beneficial for people with injuries, or chronic pain or who have a restricted range of motion.


If, however, you have a serious injury, and you have not got a diagnosis for it, you should definitely first see a sports doctor before going for massage. Massage therapists do not diagnose. A therapist can identify and try to help with any tightness or inflammation in the body. But if the problem area does not feel significantly better by about three days after a massage, you should see a sports doctor. Once the doctor has provided you with a diagnosis (and this may involve some time and possibly X-rays or scans) the massage therapist can use massage to help you recover.

For Everyone

Sports massage therapy is for athletes of every kind, whether you make your living at it or you are a weekend warrior. It focuses on treating pain and soft tissue injuries that are likely to have come from recreational or professional activities. It can reduce muscle stiffness and can improve relaxation with reductions in heart rate and blood pressure.

Not Just Athletes

But it’s not only for athletes. Anyone that pushes their physical limits through any movement whether aerobic (running, cycling, etc), strength training (weight lifting, for example) or stretching can benefit from a massage. Some activities are not always classed as exercise, even though these people are also challenging their bodies. For example, gardeners, dancers, delivery workers, shelf stackers and others who may use their muscles and bend or stretch a lot in their work or everyday life.


Sports massage therapy can also be used for enhancing pre-event preparation as well as for reducing recovery time after an event. Sports massage will promote flexibility, reduce fatigue, improve endurance and boost the circulatory system. These all help with injury prevention and help produce optimal performance.

Muscle Tendon Junctions

A key benefit of Sports massage is the way it can target the muscle and tendon junctions in the body. This is important because that can improve the range of motion in the hip-flexor for example.


Not Just Before A Big Event

If you have never had a sports massage before, do not try it out for the first time just before a race or an event. Schedule it for a few weeks before. or wait until the day after. After all, just as you wouldn’t test out new socks or shoes on the day of race, (would you?) don’t try new bodywork immediately prior. Even if you have had sports massage previously, you should not have it less than 48 hours before a big event, you may get sore muscles.


Make sure you drink adequate amounts of water before going for a massage, because dehydration can stiffen the fascia and muscles. If you are well hydrated, your sports massage should be an enjoyable, relaxing and health promoting event.

Recumbent Elliptical Machine

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Aaron Leach, fitness director, trains Michael Smith, on a recumbent elliptical Feb. 2, 2017.

What Is A Recumbent Elliptical Machine?

A recumbent elliptical is a piece of exercise equipment that provides all the benefits of an elliptical workout, while sitting in a comfortable position. These machines are perfect for different types of workouts, so are suitable for most people, as they work the entire body, with the use of the arm handles and the pedals for the feet. The included handles allow for the upper body to be worked as well as the lower by way of the strides.

Recumbent machines

not only work the entire body and provide an effective cardio workout, they are efficient at working a greater proportion of muscle groups, and this results in a more efficient workout. Whether you are looking for a machine to do cardiovascular exercise, resistance training, rehabilitation or muscular endurance training, recumbent elliptical machines are useful in challenging you and helping you reach your exercise goals.

Easier On The Joints

The movements that are made when using a recumbent elliptical are much easier on your joints than other exercise equipment, which means that the risk of injury is lower while at the same time still getting a great cardio vascular workout and effective toning for major muscle groups. Risk of injury is still present however, especially if you are unable to adjust the machine to the proper position to suit your needs.

Choosing The Best Machine

If you are planning on purchasing one of these machines, it is best to familiarize yourself with the different features, materials and designs in order to get the proper machine for you. And if at all possible, try out any exercise equipment before buying, to get a feel of what is comfortable for your body. It is of course better to buy equipment of as high a quality as you can afford, rather than cheaper more inferior products.

Features To Consider

Different recumbent elliptical exercise machines come with different features, so you are bound to find one that will suit your needs.

  • Stable Base

One of the most important considerations is a stable base that ensures that it doesn’t rock during workouts.

  • Adjustable Seat

One feature of recumbent elliptical machines that is useful is an adjustable seat. It is important to also find one that has sufficient back support, to minimize the pressure on your back. With an adjustable seat, you will be able  both to find a comfortable position and one that opens your hip flexors, so as to minimize risks of lower back pain and injury.

  • Tracking And Workout Analysis

Something else to consider when choosing a model for purchase is whether it has a tracking and analysis feature to help you measure whether you are meeting your personal exercise goals. Most modern exercise machines have built-in computers that monitor different functions including the total workout time, speed, revolutions per minute (RPM), calories burned and heart rate.

  • Resistance Levels

Resistance levels is another important consideration because as you progress in your workouts and your fitness levels increase it’s important to challenge your body and that is when a diverse offering in resistance adjustment is very important. Changing the resistance level makes the workout harder and this is another way of measuring your progress. You can also, of course, lower the resistance to make an easier workout if you have done something else also, or to help you recover progressively from injury.

Typical Features Found On Recumbent Elliptical Machines

• inclusion of upper body workouts;
• A range of resistance levels;
• Seat adjustment features that optimize comfort and safety;
• Adjustable incline.
• Number of pre-programmed workouts that will enable you to reach your target heart rate zones.
• Stride length this is important for providing the most comfortable range of motion.
• Display – Is it easy to read? Easy to control and access while working out?
• Tracking and Analysis features: show calories burned, your average and maximum heart rate, carbs burned, strides per minute, distance, etc…
• Ability to program and save data for one or more users.
• Foldable versus non foldable models.
• Different sizes are offered to ensure proper fit at home or in a commercial setting.

Top Rated Brands And Models Based On Customer Reviews

One example of a recumbent elliptical machine is the HCI PhysioStep. This machine offers many of the features that have been mentioned above and can be used in many different environments, such as your home, as well as hospitals and physiotherapy clinics.
Because it is so versatile, it is possible to choose from a number of different workouts and levels to suit your needs.

Top Rated Models On Amazon

It is so important to find equipment that makes you feel comfortable, and as you can see, with so many models with different functions, settings, positions and prices, you are bound to find the right machine for you.

New To Weightlifting

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www.figure-competition.comNew To Weight Lifting? Learn Patience!

Many of those who are new to body building or figure competitions expect too much too soon and if you want to continue with this, you will need to learn patience. Most people will know that it’s pretty easy to put on 5 pounds of fat – a summer holiday or a week of non-stop Christmas food and drink will do that for a lot of people – but adding 5 pounds of lean muscle is another story. It also needs a sensible diet that will help your body recover and grow between workouts.

Your training program must increase in intensity as your body starts to fill out. The body needs new challenges regularly, when you are doing good exercise, otherwise it gets lazy and coasts along. Many people seem to think a bodybuilder is all brawn and no brain but the opposite is more often true. Most successful body builders have a strong mind-body connection. Discipline is a part of that, as well as patience and you also need persistence – the ability to continue lifting and dieting until you reach your goals.

But you also need to be able to focus on controlling specific muscle groups during a workout routine.

A good weightlifting routine to increase muscle mass includes exercises such as squats and bench presses: known as “multi-joint” exercises. Some people refer to them as compound movements. This is where the largest muscle groups perform most of the work. But when you shift to muscle building for definition then your routines should include curls and rear dumbbell laterals and also aerobic exercise routines too.

Increase Your Reps

Training for muscle gain involves progressively increasing your repetitions in a good weightlifting routine. You should make every effort to increase repetitions beyond twelve. Once you can hit more than 12 repetitions, then you need to periodically increase your weight at least five percent.
In order to continually be able to achieve muscle gains you need to increase the number of repetitions or increase the weight you are using. For example, if on Monday you were able to do 12 repetitions of squats using 215 pounds during your leg workout, then on Wednesday, increase your weight by 5% to 225 pounds and try to complete six repetitions of squats.

Starting Out

When you start out, creating your own weightlifting routine may be confusing. Hire a professional trainer or minimally, invest in some good bodybuilding videos and books. These should have training routines that you can copy and use for your own workouts.
Early on, your routines will take you through your entire body every four days or so. This offers the least amount of recuperation time for your body. Later, you’ll proceed to a 12 day cycle that triples the recovery time between muscle sets. Eventually you’ll be able to achieve sustainable growth with a training frequency of five to eight days for completing all body parts.


You are a bodybuilder, so you’ll start to think of your workout as your reward time. Develop a good weightlifting routine that allows you to achieve the greatest results for a full body workout. That hour you spend at the gym everyday is your quality time. Make the best of it.

Fresh And New

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Fresh And New

If you want to enter a figure competition, (or even if you simply want to stay trim, fit and healthy) you need to keep up your fitness levels, as well as starting or returning to weight lifting. Tired of the same old exercise routines? Try something new for 2019, to keep your workout fun, fresh and interesting. A new workout will challenge your body, so it doesn’t get used to the same routine, and so, improve your fitness and health. Try these:

www.figure-competition.comCombo Workouts

Also known as combo workouts, fusion fitness and hybrid workouts, these classes, whether in a gym or on DVDs get the body working in ways it wouldn’t otherwise, by mixing moves and exercises from different types of workout, including martial arts, yoga and cardio type workouts.  These can include such classes as aerial yoga, piloxing, cardioga, poolates and kayoga. If you think your current workout routine is not doing enough for you then you absolutely need to try a fusion class. It will add an extra dimension for you, more flexibility or strength or aerobic capacity.

A spinner missing a strength component, for instance, could take a class using body weight or resistance bands and free weights to train a wider muscle group. You could pick a class with one of your favorite or current workouts in the name. If you are already doing yoga then try a yoga fusion class such as aerial yoga, piloxing (boxing with Pilates) or poolates. If you need extra flexibility or core strength, then you could try yogilates.

Alternatively, you could try something totally wild and different for you, like one that includes a dance class or kettlebells. Dance Fusion Classes such as Zumba and Masala Bhangra are great for those who are looking for a fun way to burn calories. or improve fitness or you could try belly dancing, hip-hop, or jazz aerobics. If you prefer a home workout, you could try one of the extreme fitness type DVDs, which fuse cardio, pilates, plyometrics and isometric movements. You could of course also try a favorite stand-by – the stationary bike. If you use that alongside a favorite exercise DVD or a floor workout exercise, you will still be getting a mix of exercises.

A 45-minute session can help you burn 600-900 calories an hour, depending on your fitness level and the amount of exertion.

Wellness Coach / Fitness Coach

Staying fit is a lifestyle and if you are serious about going in for a figure or fitness competition or even just staying fit and healthy, you may want to consider seeking the help of a wellness coach or personal trainer. Fitness coaches will push you to greater heights than you might push yourself with exercise and training, they can also improve your form. A fitness coach who has previously competed will also be able to provide advice on diet and how to present yourself on stage. A wellness coach will provide guidance on long-term changes that you can make so you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle for good. The one-on-one approach is similar to that of personal trainers. The only difference is that a wellness coach looks at your lifestyle and habits holistically. They will then determine what strategies will help you achieve your fitness goals. Ask your doctor or personal trainer if they can recommend a wellness coach. Before meeting with a coach, make sure you are ready to commit to making positive changes in your life.

Your Health

If you have not exercised for a long time, or are overweight or have health problems, you must consult your medical adviser before undertaking strenuous exercise. You may need to improve your fitness with a more moderate approach at first and work up to longer term fitness goals.

Walking and swimming are both excellent forms of exercise that can be enjoyed by people at all levels of fitness. And you can enjoy fusion workouts even with these by joining a water aerobics class or using outside gym equipment available along some walks.

Enjoy Your Fitness

Whatever your current level of health and fitness and whatever your goals for the future, enjoy your workout. You will get more from it and be more motivated to continue to reach your personal best.